Hybris Starter Guide

Posted by Ligar Mugi Syahid on January 24, 2023
1 min read · Last Modified: January 21, 2024

Hybris Starter Guide

  1. Extract
  2. Go to Installer folder.
    $ ./install.sh -r b2c_acc_plus

This command will add the required extensions to the localextensions.xml file as per the recipe name we have provided in the command.

  1. Modulegen -> go to bin/platform,
$  ./setantenv.sh
$ ant modulegen -Dinput.module=accelerator -Dinput.name=training -Dinput.package=com.hybris.training -Dinput.template=develop
  • module as accelerator which means we are developing B2C module. with module name = training

  • java class package prefix, we have given as com.hybris.training

  • Template specifies whether configuration is for development or production.

  1. ant clean all
sudo spctl --master-disable
  1. hybrisserver.(bat/sh) debug

  2. initialization via HAC

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