Review Paper #1 - Main Paper

Posted by Ligar Mugi Syahid on October 25, 2022
6 mins read · Last Modified: January 21, 2024


Paper 1

Scrum Benefit

Scrum helps to fulfill the customer’s requirements by interacting with the client and developer.

  • Quick feedback to CR

Scrum Challanges [14, 15]

  • coordination [18, 19, 20]

combination of integration of tasks to reach a specified goal.

* ineffective communication
* misunderstanding
* lack of knowledged of requirement -> need efficient understanding of task and user requirement [16, 17]
  • team size [23, 24]

Teams model: * Isolated Scrum team * Distributed Scrum of Scrum * Fully Integrated Scrum team * etc

This category need a lot of attention in ealry stage of the project [21, 22]

  • change request,
  • complexity,


* task complexity
* story point complexity

usually select the easy one and ultimateliy left the complex task at end and affect project completion [25, 26]

  • issues in daily meeting sessions.

Enhance communication:

  • Sprint planning meetings
  • Daily sprint meetings
  • Retrospective meetings.

  • Change of Request [30 - 32]

Need to define process for managing and approving changes in the project.

Due to these factors mostly the cost and time exceed scrum-based projects.

Main Goals

To overcome these issues from the accurate and precise estimation in the scrum project we have developed a web-based software system to estimate the effort of a user story as well as the budget.


  • survey to multiple software industries
  • 30 hypotheses
  • set age criteria to get option to most exp programmer


  • Key chalenging factor
  • existing scrum cost estimation techniques are not pertinent for projects.
  • a framework as solution


  • new concept of estimation that facilitate the client, software industry, and developers as well to meet the requirements of the client
  • fulfill the changes during the sprints/s development
  • deliver the project within the time and cost.


  • Software Project Management is a combination of different processes like planning, organizing, controlling, and interaction between members.

  • Agile software methodology is widely used in software industries due to its flexible and dynamic nature. the project is developed in different iterations and there is a quick response to changes.

  • Scrum is the most important and trendy component of agile methodology in industry and research. -> [find the reference]

  • Scrum characteristics: -> [find the reference]
    • team self-determination, self-organized team
    • quick response to changes
    • flexibility in nature
    • promote interaction between team members
    • work in sprints and daily meeting sessions
  • Scrum has been found very effective and efficient with small-scale and co-located teams. -> [find the reference]

Scrum chalanges -> [find the reference]

  • There is no effective technique or approach that formulates to coordinate work with co-located teams
  • there is also no proper technique or method to organize and manage the internal dependencies, these dependencies become a cause of project failure.


Agile scrum methodology
  • Priority are customer satisfaction & Involve Customer in Development. [1, 2]
  • most in use are scrum [3, 4]
Scrum steps -> [find the reference]
  • creating product backlog
  • prioritized list of feature
  • requirement to each of feature

Estimation Tech

Non-algorithmic based method
  • Planning Poker

Team member discous cost and effort estimation. Issue:

* less accurate when there is a lack of previous experience with the same projects.
* The anchoring effect, it will depent on knowledge, experience, and individual skill. it has deep impact and influence.
* Domination. Most experience determine all
* need to have viewpoint from highly extensive, skilled, experince person
  • Wideband Delphi Focus on interaction between team members. interaction and communication are essential priciple for development. Issue:

    • required extensive skills and experience Peo- ple and opinions can be biased by providing irrelevant information.
    • most human judgments are not repeatable and reusable.
  • Expert judgment method

only discussion between expert. carries the same issue.

Algorithm based methods
  • Story Point

Unit of software size amd intiuitive combination of complexity and inherent risk developemnt. Use to estimate the size.


* no specifict tool or procedure for the selection / priority of user stories. it's purely based on estimator -> need estimator that have sufficient knowledge & skill

* inflate the story point. the team underpressure to achieve more story point. higher velocity and create low quaility of work

  • Use Case Point

  • Velocity

  • SLOC

CHECK THE TABLE, feature and issue of existing methods

Proposed cost estimation technique

There is a strong need to propose an Estimation technique after examining the Literature Review and survey results that will be a predictive base.

  • Find out the demography of Teams Members -> hand out the form. PM to review. -> reduce coordination and communication gap which removes experts’ biaasness (planning poker issue).

Category of Module:

  • easy vs complex

Quesionare / Survey

all criteria

Gender Age Experience Designation COST Time Requirement understanding User stories Handling Communication Manager role Change of request Module/Sprint Formation Team base issues Languages Experience Developers participation Self-made team Factors Affecting Cost Estimation


Cost Time Requirement understanding User stories Handling Communication Manager role Change of request Module/Sprint Formation Team base issues Languages Experience Developers participation Self-made team


  1. 3. 4. 14. 15. 16. 17.

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