Dairy 5 June 2022

Posted by Ligar Mugi Syahid on July 05, 2022
1 min read · Last Modified: January 21, 2024


Just ordinary day. Staying at Home, not going anywhere.


  • Si kaka
    • bathed 4x, total time ~4h
  • Si adik
    • current weight ~9kg now, up 0.8kg from last month


Current P/L: -4.6% Portofolio

  • $MPMX: 42.83%
  • $POWR: 44.82%
  • $PTBA: 12.35%

Interesting Things:

  • $SMDR ARB again, many people stuck and dissapointed with its dividend pay


  • Got some email generation error because of search restriction -> the query returned all product from catalog (non unique result)
  • Process error because of session.catalogversions translation

Tags: [ dairy  ]