Hybris Interceptor

Posted by Ligar Mugi Syahid on June 07, 2022
1 min read · Last Modified: January 21, 2024
--- title: interceptor --- flowchart TD

How to

  • create Interceptor class XInterceptor<XObject>
  • update bean ```xml
- create bean mapping
<bean id="..." class="...">
    <property name="interceptor" ref="beanInterceptor">
    <property name="typeCode" ref="XObject">

interceptor for model lifecycle are:

  • InitDefaultsInterceptor

This Interceptor is called when we create a new model filled with its default values calling modelService.initDefaults() or modelService.create().

  • PrepareInterceptor

This Interceptor is called before a model is saved to the database(modelService.save()) and before it is validated by Validate interceptors.

  • ValidateInterceptor

This Interceptor is called before a model is saved to the database(modelService.save()) after is been prepared by the Prepare interceptors,. You can use Validate Interceptors to validate values of the model and raise an InterceptorException if any values are not valid. An exception raised during execution prevents the model from being saved.

  • LoadInterceptor

This Interceptor is called after a model is retrieved from the database using modelService.get().

  • RemoveInterceptor

This Interceptor is called before a model is removed from the database using modelService.remove().

disable interceptor

  • via code
    final Map<String, Object> params = ImmutableMap.of(InterceptorExecutionPolicy.DISABLED_INTERCEPTOR_BEANS, ImmutableSet.of("beanInterceptor"));
    getSessionService().executeInLocalViewWithParams(params, new SessionExecutionBody()
     public void executeWithoutResult()
  • via impex in the header
    INSERT header[disable.interceptor.types=validate]

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